Entonces ¿qué es en realidad Cristo?.
En realidad es el sol, expresado de forma alegórica, pero con una inequívoca referencia a él.
Su nacimiento el 25 de diciembre, es cuando los días empiezan ya a alargar tras el solsticio de invierno.
Todas las referencias en los escritos o en tradiciones orales hablan del comportamiento del gran astro y de su situación arriba en el cielo.
Las religiones continúan queriendo ver algo que no hay, pero esto es ya una cuestión de creencias o fe, y no de evidencias. Se pierden el no entender el significado y fondo real de sus creencias, que sí es mucho más profundo, real e importante que el que ellos quieren mostrar. Pues el admirar al sol es algo sabio, a él le debemos la vida y nuestra vida, y de las estrellas venimos en el fondo todos, porque allí se formaron los elementos base que nos compone.
Y pierden estos creyentes un precioso tiempo en cosas que no aportan realmente nada.
An incredible amount of time has been wasted trying to determine the historicity of Jesus, all because scholars and theologians are too conceited to consider astrology-or maybe there is too much money, egos and careers at stake?
The favorite rationale for why Jesus' birthday is celebrated on December 25th is that the early Christian fathers chose that date as a way of attracting pagan followers. That's bull. The entire nativity legend can be seen played out in the sky.
Christian mythology is written as if the events took place on earth. Unless one looks for the double meaning in the Bible's language, the astronomical connection can't be seen. The Gospels are laid out according to the zodiacal motifs with Jesus, the sun hero, passing through the four seasons. He is born every year on December 25, the first day when daylight hours start to increase.
In the winter months, the darkness of evil is still in force. As the daylight hours start to increase, he is said to be increasing in strength. His mission starts on the first day of spring when daylight hours equal nighttime hours. Spring is the time of righteousness.
He is at full strength at the summer solstice when the sun is at its highest position in the sky. As the sun descends through the summer months, the dark forces of evil are said to be sapping his strength.
When the sun passes through the autumnal equinox, the evil forces of darkness are said to be ruling. On the three darkest days of the year, the sun is dead from December 21 to 24. His resurrection restarts on December 25, when the sun starts to ascend again.